BOSSES at Robert Gordon’s College in Aberdeen are battling plans for a battery storage facility in Cults – arguing it could put pupils in danger.

Their letter against the proposal is just one of 108 that have been submitted to Aberdeen City Council.

Flexion Energy UK Storage wants to create the 40MW development on land at Newton of Pitfodels.

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The proposed 1.9 hectare site is located near the Countesswells Playing Fields, which provide outdoor sports space for pupils all year round.

But, school leaders have lodged their opposition to the plan over safety fears for youngsters.

They argued that a fire at the storage site could put the playing fields at risk from “potentially toxic vapour, fumes, or smoke”.

The location of a cable connecting the proposed battery storage site to Craigiebuckler Substation was also a concern.

It is believed that an underground connection would be placed along Countesswells Road, which runs along the top of the playing fields.

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School chiefs fear this will impact the use of the playing fields during construction and in the event of any potential incidents.

Dr Wendy Ratcliffe lives near the site, which she claims is “entirely inappropriate” for the proposed development.

She said that a “major” concern for her is the dangers and risks to residents and users of the playing fields, footpaths, Hazelhead Park, and businesses nearby.

Dr Ratcliffe added: “Storage battery plants have been known to be associated with accidents involving major fires which are very difficult to extinguish and release
of lithium related toxic gases.

“Were this to happen, surrounding woodlands would be highly combustible and this could result in an environmental catastrophe.”

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Fellow neighbour Ellen Robinson also raised fears over dangerous fumes.

She said: “The battery facility is located too close to the Robert Gordon’s playing fields. Any fire to occur would immediately impact anyone using the pitches.

“The prevailing direction wind is from the west and would immediately engulf the fields and residents of Airyhall in the toxic smoke that arises from fires at battery storage facilities.”

Meanwhile Dr Kejian Wu raised worries that the battery facility could damage the Pitfodels Conservation Area.

The Aberdeen University lecturer, who is also an experienced petroleum engineering scientist, suggested the area could be at risk of thermal runaway.

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Dr Wu stated this can lead to fire, explosion, and the release of toxic gases or water runoff, posing significant hazards to the surrounding environment.

He said: “Residents should not be exposed to this risk, and Aberdeen City
Council has a duty to protect them.

“The aftermath of any leakage or fire and the associated cleanup costs, which could extended beyond the site, could be considerable for the local authority.”

Braeside and Mannofield Community Council also voiced their opposition to the “highly inappropriate” development.

They claimed the storage facility had the potential to bring unwanted noise to the “peaceful and tranquil” surrounding area and beyond.

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The group also objected on the grounds that it would damage precious city land.

“The developer uses the argument that building a BESS (Battery-Electric Substation) is an environmentally good thing to do.

“In an appropriate site, where there is no impact on people or the environment, this is a reasonable premise.

“However, destroying valuable and protected greenbelt land within Aberdeen to achieve this completely negates any environmental benefit.”

In her handwritten objection, Patricia Milne raised fears over fire, noise, and the safety of children using the nearby playing field.

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She mentioned “constant flooding” concerns at Countesswells, and the fact the road leading to the entrance of the proposed site is frequently closed.

The neighbour also said the surrounding roads were “really not suitable” for the heavy vehicles and disruption that would be involved during construction.

And, she had some worries about the impact the site would have on wildlife.

“Obviously use of the Countesswells site would have a knock-on effect onto the bordering areas,” she explained.

“Any loss of the beautiful trees in the area will be detrimental, there are nesting buzzards and owls in those trees.

“There are also bats in the area, not to mention the deer, swallows and foxes.

“Both the bats and swallows would be affected by the noise levels produced by the battery storage.”

Battery storage facilities store and release energy generated from renewable sources, such as wind turbines and solar farms.

Developers argue this new development would help Scotland reach its net zero targets.

A “safety management plan” has been submitted alongside the application, which says the “the incidence of fire events at BESS facilities is low”.

But it adds: “Where a battery cell produces more heat than it can effectively dissipate, an uncontrolled release of heat energy can happen, referred to as ‘thermal runway’.”

The documents stress a range of mitigation measures proposed to deal with the risk of a blaze.

You can view the plans for yourself here.