A GROUP of England fans with links to Tommy Robinson have been slammed for flying an anti-refugee flag in Frankfurt.

Two photos show a group of 20 men, mostly in Nigel Farage masks, holding a Union flag which has "STOP THE BOATS" written along it.

The images were first shared on Twitter by Jake Hepple, a Burnley supporter who is friendly with far-right agitator and English Defence League founder Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, who prefers to be known as Tommy Robinson.

One commenter on the post said: "Suppose these are the same 'keep politics out of football' lads when it comes to taking the knee?"

Another wrote: "Embarrassing our country again."

A third questioned: "I don't know how racists don't feel embarrassed while 'supporting' multiple players who migrated here."

Hepple has a lifetime ban from Burnley, the result of a 2020 incident where he chartered a plane to fly with a banner reading "White Lives Matter" over a Man City-Burnley game at Etihad Stadium.

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In 2023, his ticket to an England-Italy game was revoked after he was seen waving an England flag with the phrase "Diego's in a box" added to it.

The phrase was in reference to the late Napoli and Argentina striker Diego Maradona, with the stadium hosting the England-Italy game bearing his name.

He tagged Nigel Farage in his post, with the subtitle reading: "The chaps out in Germany."

It is unclear at this time if Hepple himself took the photos, or was sent them by somebody else.