HUMZA Yousaf has put forward a motion to urge the UK to recognise Palestine as an independent state.

It notes that several European states, including Ireland and Spain, have already recognised Palestine as a sovereign state, and says that it is necessary for the successful implementation of a two-state solution.

It continues: "[The Parliament] believes that Palestinian statehood is an inalienable right of the people of Palestine, not a privilege that can be vetoed by others."

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The motion also commends aid groups across Scotland, including Yousaf's constituency of Pollok, which are donating funds and providing aid to Gaza.

It was lodged on Monday, and is titled "Immediate Recognition of the State of Palestine".

The motion is so far supported by 11 SNP MSPs, and it is understood that Labour MSP Richard Leonard also intends to support the motion.

It is unclear whether Scottish Labour will support it.