THE SNP manifesto is what “many wanted Labour to deliver", according to an NHS doctor.

Dr. Daniel Goyal, a medical consultant for NHS Highland and health policy editor at Bylines Scotland, was responding after John Swinney launched the SNP’s General Election manifesto on Wednesday.

The document urges Scots to “vote SNP for Scotland to become an independent country” on page one.

It also pledges to protect public services like the NHS and put “the interests of the people of Scotland first”.

READ MORE: Scottish Labour manifesto almost identical to UK one

Goyal said this is “the kind of manifesto many wanted Labour to deliver”.

“The pitch is left of centre, socially progressive, with a persistent argument about the harms of being tied to a broken Westminster,” he added.

“Protecting the NHS from privatisation is a key theme.”

He then went on to some “highlights” (below) including the SNP “taking a clear position on integrity in politics and the lack thereof in Westminster”

“Hard to argue against this,” Goyal said.

He then shared a screenshot of a passage saying that the SNP have grown the economy faster in Scotland, with the best performing core A&E units in the UK and more affordable homes.

“The SNP argues this is despite a stranglehold Westminster has on Scotland policy areas and the 'power grab' of the current UK Government,” Goyal said before going into some of the party’s key pledges.

“Yes, they want to reverse Brexit and Join the EU. Yes, they want to reverse austerity. And a big focus is to protect the NHS in Scotland.”

He added: “Decriminalising personal recreational drug use!!! Again, bold. But they will have to tackle the level of drug use in Scotland.

“A windfall tax. But this can only happen with maximum devolution or independence, they say.

“Not shying away from their track record. And why would they. Despite austerity they have clearly managed to protect (to some degree) the most vulnerable in society. Imagine the Tories could list such successes.”

Summing up his thoughts, Goyal said: “I thought it was a clever manifesto with a clear narrative for devolution max or independence. With an objectively good track record for socially minded policies they have set out effectively what they would do with more power.

“And to be honest, it sounds pretty good!”