PUPILS from Dunbar Grammar School were evacuated from classrooms this afternoon after a chemical spill sparked a major response from the emergency services. 

A number of services, including Police Scotland, the Scottish Ambulance Service and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, were all in attendance.

The emergency services made their way to the school, on Summerfield Road, earlier this afternoon and a large number of emergency service vehicles could be seen outside.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service confirmed that the chemical spill happened in one of the school's cupboard. They attended the incident at 12.44pm, with all appliances stood down at 2.32pm after firefighters made the scene safe. 

A passer-by told the Courier: "I was just walking past and saw all of the emergency services by the school. I don't know what is going on but I hope everyone is okay."

An East Lothian Council spokesperson said: “Dunbar Grammar School has been evacuated as a precaution following an incident.

"All are safe and currently waiting on the field outside the school.

"The situation is currently being assessed by the fire service.”

Pupils in S4, S5 and S6 have now been sent home for the day.

At about 3.30pm, the council released a second statement which said: "Following an earlier evacuation as a precaution, the Dunbar Grammar School building has reopened.

"Pupils in S4-6 were sent home to ease congestion but other pupils and staff have returned to the building.

"We are grateful to the emergency services for attending. Everyone is safe.

"We are currently working to establish the circumstances which led to the evacuation.”

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the school's PTA commented: “The parent council will discuss the communications issues at the next DGSC meeting and ask for a report from East Lothian Council about the incident response, to hopefully make improvements.”