GENERAL Election candidates must back pledges to devolve more power to Scotland “if they seek our vote”, Scotland’s largest trade union body has said.

In a challenge issued to all political parties, the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC), which represents more than half a million trade unionists north of the Border, has drawn up six pledges for change it says all candidates must back.

These include calls for the devolution of immigration and employment laws, and increase public spending on key services.

Scottish Labour's Anas Sarwar had previously backed devolution of more powers to the Scottish Parliament, but any such policy is missing from his party's manifesto.

STUC’s general secretary Roz Foyer said: “Without question, workers in Scotland can play a pivotal role in determining the outcome of the General Election.

“This campaign has been mired by the politics of hatred, division and scapegoating. We need candidates to reject these values and to stand beside our growing movement which seeks to bring positive, transformational change across our communities.

“From strengthening workers’ rights to taxing wealth and investing in our public services, our General Election demands are straightforward and achievable. There can be no half-measures from candidates; if they seek our vote they must pledge their support.

“The next UK Government, which polls suggest will be a Labour one, must heed the call of workers in Scotland to devolve further powers to the Scottish Parliament on employment and migration in addition to pledging further investment in our green economy, creating up to 367,000 jobs in the Low Carbon and Renewable Energy economy.

“Our movement is also unapologetically internationalist. We call upon every candidate, no matter their party, to show support for the people of Palestine and end the genocide being inflicted on the people of Gaza.

“This election needs to make a difference for workers. They need action. Our plan shows what needs to be done. We need candidates, especially those that may form the next Labour government, to pledge their support to Scotland’s trade unionists.”

The STUC’s six pledges are:

  • Strengthen workers' rights
  • Invest in public services
  • Invest in the green economy
  • Tax wealth
  • Devolve power to Scotland
  • Support for Palestine

You can find more details on the STUC website.