BOTH Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak have been slammed for their performance on BBC’S Debate Night as just “politicians ranting right-wing rhetoric at each other”.

The two party leaders went head-to-head for the final time last night before polling day on July 4.

Mishal Husain hosted the last leader debate on BBC One where Sunak and Starmer debated topics like immigration, taxation, and gender recognition.

However, the debate between the two has been slammed by the SNP's depute leader Keith Brown as he stated it showed why neither party can represent Scotland’s priorities and values.

READ MORE: What is wrong with the sound on the BBC Keir Starmer vs Rishi Sunak debate?

He also said that the SNP are the only party who will hold Labour accountable at Westminster and that the Tories are simply finished.

Brown (below) said: “Tonight's debate was an ugly spectacle - 75 minutes with two politicians ranting right-wing rhetoric at each other.

“It underlined what we have known long before the election date was set - that neither Labour or the Tories, neither of these Westminster parties - can represent Scotland's priorities and values.

“With one party we get a promise of more cuts to welfare, weakened public services and £18 billion of cuts, continued attacks on devolution and a dismissal of Scotland’s democratic right to choose… and with the other Party we get the Tories.

“Tonight's debate won't change what we all already know - the Tories are finished and Starmer is headed for a supermajority in England.

“The choice now on the table for Scotland is whether we give Starmer a free pass to impose more cuts, more Brexit, and creeping privatisation of the NHS - or elect a strong team of SNP MPs who’ll hold the Labour Party to account and stand up for Scotland’s priorities and values.

“On 4th of July, vote SNP for a future that’s made in Scotland - for Scotland.”