The National:

THE LibDems have potentially flushed away any further chances of support in Scotland after their most recent water company gaffe.

The party has a murky history when it comes to campaign pamphlets, and their most recent howler of what is presumably a copy-and-paste job from their English leaflets has been making waves online.

Images on social media show a leaflet subheading which reads: “Stopping sewage dumping in our rivers.”

Followed by a statement that said: “The SNP have let water companies get away with dumping sewage into our rivers, lochs and sea for too long.

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“The LibDems will fight to protect our environment and punish rule breaking water companies.”

Either someone has forgotten to tell Alex Cole-Hamilton and co that Scottish Water is publicly owned, or the text has been copied from a similar English leaflet.

At least they remembered to add loch in.

The gaffe has caused quite a splash on social media as one person said: “So, how many ‘water companies’ are there in Scotland?”

While another said: “Give them kudos for changing lakes to lochs, though!”

A third asked: “Is it not about time political parties were penalised for openly lying on their literature?”

As a fourth said: “Why let the facts get in the way of a good smear!”

Would it be an election campaign without a good old LibDem leaflet drama?