SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn has had his feet held to the fire by The National’s Lesley Riddoch in our final exclusive interview with leaders from the three main Yes parties.

Riddoch grilled Flynn, who is standing for election in Aberdeen South, on the SNP’s independence strategy – and specifically what they have planned if the inevitable happens and a UK Labour government rejects calls for a second referendum.

The Westminster group leader also fielded questions on whether he thinks Scots have grown “tired” of his party after 17 years in power at Holyrood – and looked forward to the 2026 Holyrood elections.

Riddoch also pushed on the SNP’s position on oil and gas licences – and whether new fields in the North Sea could ever meet environmental tests.

The interview rounds off three interviews with Yes party leaders. Riddoch had already challenged Scottish Greens co-leader Lorna Slater and Alba leader Alex Salmond.

You can watch Lesley Riddoch’s full interview with Stephen Flynn below: