A TORY candidate in Arbroath and Broughty Ferry has been accused of “running from his party” after his leaflet left out any Conservative branding.

Richard Brooks delivered the leaflets to homes in Broughty Ferry on Tuesday which almost completely omitted any Tory branding and the distinctive blue colour scheme associated with the party.

The only sign from the Tory Party was a small logo on the back of the leaflet, as Brooks had opted for a teal and purple colour scheme instead of the traditional blue.

Stephen Gethins, who is the SNP candidate for the same constituency and has used his party’s colours and branding on his leaflet, has accused his rival of “running away”.

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He told The Courier: “Obviously with the new boundaries the SNP is facing a challenge from the Tories.

“And although the SNP hasn’t got everything right, the party has a record it can be proud of both in government and on the big issues like Brexit, austerity and tackling the cost of living crisis.

“That’s why I’m proud to stand as an SNP candidate, whereas it’s clear the Tories are running away from their own party given the devastating consequences the Conservative government has had on every person in the Arbroath and Broughty Ferry constituency.”

The local resident who shared the Tory leaflet with The Courier said: “I’d never heard of Richard Brooks so I was quite confused by the front of the leaflet.

“I had to scour the inside to work out which party he represented. It doesn’t exactly fill you with confidence he is proud to be the Conservative candidate.”

Asked about the leaflet, a Conservative Party spokesman said: “In swathes of seats across Scotland, only a vote for Scottish Conservatives will stop the SNP.”