THE Scottish Sun has backed Labour ahead of the General Election on Thursday.

The newspaper shared its election day front page on Wednesday, where it called on voters to “send a message to the failing and sleaze-ridden SNP” and vote Labour.

The newspaper had previously endorsed the SNP at each election since 2011.

The headline reads: “Things can only (& will have to) get better.

“And we’ll be watching carefully making sure they do.”

(Image: Scottish Sun)

The front page depicts a hand putting a piece of paper into a ballot box which reads, “No to SNP sleaze, scandal & failures... yes to change”, written next to a box marked with a cross.

In an editorial published alongside the front cover on Wednesday, the paper stated: “At Westminster, it’s time for a change of management.

READ MORE: New poll puts SNP ahead of Labour on eve of General Election

“It’s also time for Scotland to send a message to the failing and sleaze-ridden SNP that their time is up.

“And that means it’s time for Labour.”

The paper stated that “Labour have spent years in the wilderness, enchanted by far-left ideology and wokeness, just like large sections of the SNP”.

It added that “the SNP has betrayed voters with a decade of waste” and that the SNP “remain a pale shadow” of the party that came into power in Scotland in 2007.

Reacting to the front page on social media, Scottish Labour said: “This election is an opportunity Scotland cannot afford to miss.”

Meanwhile, Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar posted: “It’s time for change – vote Labour.”

The SNP have been approached for comment.