A LABOUR minister has been slammed over a “nightmare” interview in which she failed to commit to overturn Tory secrecy on arms exports to Israel – despite the party committing to this in opposition.

Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall repeatedly refused to back promises made just weeks ago by her party before the election to publish legal advice on the sale of weapons to Israel.

There are significant concerns the UK is complicit in alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza, with a number of high level investigations ongoing into the country’s conduct.

Prior to the election, David Lammy (above) in his former role as shadow foreign secretary, pushed the UK Government to publish its legal advice on selling weapons to Israel.

But last week, in his new role as Foreign Secretary, Lammy said he had commissioned a new review into the matter – giving no timescale for its completion.

READ MORE: SNP call for suspension of Israel arms sales in letter to Foreign Secretary

Challenged on this on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Kendall was asked whether Labour would suspend arms sales to Israel.

She said: “The Prime Minister has set out our roadmap to get that immediate ceasefire, that we want to get the hostages out, the aid in as part of a long-term two-state solution, that is the approach of this government. I know many colleagues, my constituents too feel passionate about this issue.”

Pushed on whether the Government would publish the legal advice, Kendall said: “We actually campaigned as a changed Labour Party and we will deliver as a changed Labour government, too.

READ MORE: Israel using water as 'weapon of war' as Gaza supply drops 94 per cent, report finds

“We want to see that immediate ceasefire, the only long-term solution to the horror that we’re seeing in Gaza is to get that ceasefire and build towards a long-term two-state solution. We are working extremely hard on this.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu 

“David Lammy has already visited Israel, I know he’s in those long-term discussions. Colleagues feel very passionately about it as do people across the country.”

Challenged again, Kendall refused to commit to publishing the advice, saying: “We will be setting out more plans, I’m sure, in the weeks and months ahead but what I would say to your listeners is we are determined to everything we can as an international ally to get that immediate ceasefire.

READ MORE: Top UN court rules Israel’s settlement policy in Palestine violates international law

“The urgent, urgent priority is to stop the fighting now, to get the hostages out, to get the aid in and that’s what we’ll work to deliver.”

Her performance was criticised by south London Labour councillor Martin Abrams, who said: “What a shambles. The Labour Leadership cannot demand things of the Government in opposition then dither and delay on those exact same demands when in Government

“Liz Kendall had an absolute nightmare on #r4today defending this.”