The National:

AN MP bidding to lead the Tory Party has been forced to change their campaign slogan after realising it was an acronym for “turd”.

Tom Tugendhat, who is aiming to lead what’s left of the decimated Conservative Party through opposition, launched his campaign on Thursday promising: “No games. No gimmicks.”

To hammer the point home, Tugendhat’s launch video was just him, stood in a dark room, speaking to camera solemnly for 90 seconds. A far cry from the all-out photoshop bonanzas our eyes were assaulted with under Rishi Sunak.

But undermining Tugendhat’s point was the issue with his campaign slogan, which accidentally used the acronym “turd”.

"Together we can:

“Unite the party.

“Rebuild trust.

“Defeat Labour.”

Not ideal.

Westminster gossip blog Guido Fawkes noticed that a hasty rework had been organised behind the scenes at some point after the website went live on Wednesday. 

Tugendhat’s campaign website now doesn’t want to “defeat Labour”.

Instead, it pledges to “win back the country” – which handily gives the meaningless acronym “turw”.

Just goes to show the value of having a second pair of eyes on things.

But then, with so few Tory MPs left, maybe Tugendhat couldn’t find one.