SCOTS have been warned to brace for “Midge-ageddon” as the swarming insects are expected to reach peak nuisance levels.

According to the Scottish Midge Forecast, north west Scotland – including tourist hotspots Glencoe and Fort William – will endure peak midge season over the next few days.

Anyone travelling to north west Scotland has been advised to take precautions to protect themselves from midge swarms.

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Outdoor educational charity Outward Bound have put together a list of top tips for dealing with midge season, including to keep moving and stay out of the shade.

The charity also advised people to invest in a midge net which you can drape over a hat, and to invest in an anti-midge spray.

Outward Bound spokesperson James Ferguson said: “We are painfully aware of what a nuisance midges can be – and also the difference that a little bit of preparation can make when it comes to keeping the insects away.

“With midge levels forecast to reach ‘Midge-ageddon’ levels in some places this week, anyone planning to venture into the glens would be wise to take precautions.

“People say there is no getting away from midges at this time of year but that’s not exactly true – if you keep walking, the tiny insects struggle to keep up and you will suffer less.”

Ferguson added: “If you do have to stop, try to wait until there’s a bit of a breeze. Even light breezes are enough to put midges off.

“And try to stay in the sun; midges are creatures of the shade.”

For more information, visit the Scottish Midge Forecast here.