ALL six of the UK’s Astute-class nuclear submarines are stuck in port – Faslane included – for repairs.

The Royal Navy currently has no working docks for repairs, which has led to the fleet’s newest subs not conducting a single operation village this year.

HMS Ambush — which is stationed at Faslane – has not sailed for two years.

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HMS Artful, meanwhile, has spent 14 months at HMNB Clyde, where HMS Astute has also been since December.

A ship-lift to crane subs out of the water at Faslane has been out of action for over a year after the Navy couldn’t replace the specialist ropes as the firm that made them shut down.

The dry dock in HMNB Devonport, meanwhile, is still undergoing an upgrade.

The Navy said it was making a “significant investment” in infrastructure.

A spokesperson said: “Rest assured, British waters are always fully protected with assets including warships, patrol aircraft and subs.”