ELON Musk has labelled Humza Yousaf a “scumbag” and said he “dared” the former first minister to sue him.

It comes following reports on Sunday that Yousaf’s legal team issued a warning to the alt-right owner of Twitter/X after he called the SNP MSP “super, super racist”.

In a post on his own Twitter/X account, Musk said “legal discovery will show that however big a racist he’s been in public communications, he is vastly worse in private communications”.

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The post came in response to an update from the account X Daily News which said: “Former Scottish leader Humza Yousaf is reportedly not ruling out legal action against Elon over comments saying Yousaf ‘loathes white people’.

“His lawyer said: ‘Elon has effectively painted a target on Yousaf’s back with his completely untrue and inflammatory comments.’”

Below the post, Musk (above) said: “He’s obviously super racist against white people. I dare that scumbag to sue me. Go ahead, make my day…

“Legal discovery will show that however big a racist he’s been in public communications, he is vastly worse in private communications.”

It is unclear exactly what Musk is referring to when he discussing Yousaf’s “private communications”.

The Sunday Mail had reported that Yousaf is "considering all options," including legal action against the billionaire. 

We also told how support for Yousaf had poured in from figures within the Scottish independence movement, with SNP MP Pete Wishart among those to criticise Musk.

The latest clash comes after Yousaf used an appearance at the Fringe this week to brand Musk one of the most dangerous men on the planet.

He accused the Twitter/X owner of having “amplified” white supremacists and highlighted how he claimed “civil war is inevitable” following far-right riots in England and Northern Ireland.

In a separate interview with CNN, Yousaf accused Musk of using his “enormous wealth” of the “most wicked evil possible”.

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Sharing the story about the legal warning on his own social media, the former first minister said on Sunday: “Elon Musk is a dangerous race baiter who must be held to account for his actions.

“I can’t think what it is that upsets him so much about a brown, Muslim, progressive politician?

“But his billions won’t stop me calling out his support for the far-right.”