STEPHEN Flynn’s father Mark Flynn is set to become the new leader of Dundee City Council.

The veteran SNP councillor has been elected to lead the SNP group after previous leader John Alexander announced that he was quitting full-time politics to take up a new job and spend more time with his family.

The SNP have a majority in Dundee City Council, which means Flynn – who is the father of the SNP’s leader at Westminster Stephen Flynn– is expected to become council leader at the next full council meeting.

After being elected to represent the Coldside ward in 2017, Flynn has since taken on numerous high-profile policy roles in the council.

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Currently, he serves as convenor of neighbourhood regeneration, housing and estate management.

Speaking to The Courier, Flynn said: “It is an enormous privilege to have been elected leader of the SNP group on Dundee City Council.

“Our group has an abundance of talent and experience, and I am grateful for the trust that they have placed in me.

“The opportunity to serve my home city in this way is a huge honour and I cannot wait to get started in this new role.

Mark Flynn is set to replace John Ferguson as leader of Dundee City CouncilMark Flynn is set to replace John Alexander as leader of Dundee City Council (Image: Dundee City Council)

“My pledge to my fellow Dundonians is to lead with honesty and integrity. I will stand up for our incredible city and its people at every opportunity, without fear or favour. I will lead with an open mind and an open door.

“Dundee’s redevelopment is an example of what we can achieve when different levels of government collaborate.”

Outgoing council leader Alexander said: “I am delighted with Mark’s appointment as SNP group leader as a colleague, but perhaps more so as a citizen of Dundee.

“He has proven himself to be an outstanding councillor, providing incredible leadership over his tenure as a convener, helping to drive forward the city’s transformation.

“I am confident that under Mark’s leadership, Dundee will be well placed to weather any challenges and take advantage of the vast opportunities before us to improve the lives of the people of our great city.”

Reacting to the news on X/Twitter, Stephen Flynn congratulated his father.

He said: “The old boy is doing no too bad”.