LIZ Truss has stormed off stage at a speaking event after a hilarious stunt which saw a banner with a lettuce appear whilst she was talking.

The former prime minister – whose disastrous mini budget tanked the economy – was speaking at an event to promote her book when the stunt took place.

However, as she was speaking about her support for former US president and presidential candidate Donald Trump, a banner depicting a lettuce with googly eyes which said “I crashed the economy” was slowly lowered from the ceiling.

“I support Trump and I want him to win [...] I think that he will probably win,” Truss said, as the banner appeared directly above her.

Truss was initially unaware that the banner had appeared, but upon seeing it she remarked: “That’s not funny.”

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She then stormed off stage.

The lettuce is in reference to a challenge set by the Daily Star newspaper in October 2022 to see if Truss’s premiership could outlast the shelf life of a head of iceberg lettuce.

The iceberg lettuce won, with Truss lasting just 49 days in office.

Political campaign group Led by Donkeys claimed credit for the stunt, posting a video to social media with the caption: “Liz Truss is on a pro-Trump speaking tour.

“So we dropped a strategically-positioned remote-controlled lettuce banner.”

This is not the first time Led By Donkeys have pulled off something like this – a similar stunt took place earlier this year, as the group disrupted a speech by Reform UK leader Nigel Farage using a remote-controlled banner with a picture of the Russian president which read: “I heart Putin”.