NEW initiatives have been introduced to increase access to residential rehabilitation across Scotland.

The Scottish Government said the initiatives will be able to support more than 100 residential rehab placements.

Local Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) that are experiencing high demand will be able to access extra funding from the new £2 million Scottish Government Residential Rehabilitation Additional Placement Fund (APF).

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In addition, a national online service directory will provide an up-to-date nationwide list of residential rehabilitation providers for the first time.

Drugs and Alcohol Policy Minister Christina McKelvie (below) said: “A recent Public Health Scotland publication found we are on track to meet our commitment of 1000 people receiving public funding for residential rehab but we want to do more and we are working hard to remove potential barriers to people accessing it.

“Those working in ADPs have helped design this approach, which complements a range of other residential rehabilitation projects supported by the Scottish Government.

“This demand-led fund will allow ADPs that need the greatest number of placements to draw down on additional funding for these when they need it – helping ensure funding is targeted at those areas which face the biggest challenges in meeting demand and where help is needed the most.

“The online directory of providers will also make it easier for people to access placements.

“It will help professionals in the sector as well as empowering individuals and their loved ones to access quality residential rehabilitation and identify the service best placed to support them.”

The fund will be delivered by third-sector partners Scotland Excel.