SNP minister Angus Robertson has pulled out of an appearance at a book festival amid controversy over his meeting with an Israeli diplomat.

The External Affairs Secretary is under fire from within the SNP and external critics, who have questioned why the meeting took place amid Israel’s bombardment of Gaza.

Robertson had been scheduled to appear at an event with former Welsh first minister Mark Drakeford and BBC presenter Laura Maxwell discussing the 25th anniversary of devolution.

READ MORE: Angus Robertson issues statement amid calls to resign over Israeli diplomat meeting

But an update has been added to the event page on the Edinburgh International Book Festival’s website, reading: “Scotland’s First Minister and SNP leader, John Swinney, will now appear at this event in place of the Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, Angus Robertson.”

A spokesperson for the festival said Swinney (above) had originally been intended to appear at the event but then had an engagement requiring him to travel, which has since been cancelled meaning he will appear at the event.  

The National understands the First Minister had been due to go to Malawi and Zambia but cancelled the trip because of the riots in England and local government pay negotiations. 

READ MORE: Scottish Government won't meet with Israel until 'real progress made towards peace'

The External Affairs Secretary issued a statement on Monday afternoon apologising for meeting with the Israeli deputy ambassador.

He denied reports that he had been instructed to attend the meeting by Swinney and said that he met with Daniela Grudsky Ekstein to “express the Scottish Government's clear and unwavering position on the need for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza”.

The Scottish Government was approached for comment.