A CONFERENCE looking at the legacy of the independence referendum and the state of the British Union 10 years on has been announced.

Organised by academics and activists the Scottish Independence And The British State Ten Years On will take place on Saturday, September 14, and will be hosted at Glasgow Caledonian University.

The event aims to reflect on the social movement of 2014 and will examine its legacy, what role the SNP now plays in the campaign and the prospects for independence 10 years later.

READ MORE: Line-up confirmed for The National's indyref anniversary event

There will also be discussions around contemporary capitalism, shifting class alignments in politics, the British state, a changing Europe and a “volatile imperial order”.

Panelists for the conference include former SNP deputy leader Jim Sillars, former Scottish Cabinet Secretary Kenny Macaskill, Professor David McCrone, former MP Alyn Smith and The National’s editor Laura Webster.

Political professor at the University of Strathclyde, John Curtice, will also deliver a keynote speech.

Topics at the event range from the SNP’s transformation in the aftermath of Nicola Sturgeon stepping down as first minister and questioning if there an identity crisis within Scotland.

The event will take place days before the 10th anniversary of the Scottish referendum which was held on September 18, 2014.

For further event details and tickets click here.