JOHN Swinney has said Scotland will “of course consider” replicating any UK Government ban on smoking in places such as beer gardens and outdoor restaurants.

Swinney said Holyrood ministers would “look with care at any proposals emerging from the United Kingdom Government”.

His comments come after leaked proposals, seen by The Sun newspaper, suggested Starmer (below) is to ban smoking in some outdoor areas.

(Image: Jonathan Brady/PA)

With the responsibility for the issue devolved in Scotland, Swinney said it was something the Scottish Government could consider.

The move could see smoking barred in areas including beer gardens, small parks, outdoor restaurants and hospitals.

Speaking during a visit to a school in Edinburgh, Swinney commented: “Obviously, we will look with care at any proposals emerging from the United Kingdom Government.

“Scotland was first to ban smoking in public places and the improvement in public health and the improvement in the environment in which people are sitting and spending time has been enhanced enormously as a consequence of that decision.

“So, we need to be constantly attentive to the steps that are necessary to protect and enhance public health.”

READ MORE: SNP: One-quarter of members respond to John Swinney's feedback call

When the Prime Minister was asked about the move, Starmer said that as smoking was a “huge burden on the NHS” and a “burden on the taxpayer”.

Speaking to Channel 4, he said: “I start with reminding everybody that 80,000 plus people lose their lives through smoking every year. That’s a huge number.

“That’s a huge impact on the NHS and of course the cost is picked up by the taxpayer and we can’t walk past that.

“We have to be clear about preventative measures. So yes, I do support the measures. Obviously the detail will be set out in due course.

“But I want us to move to a smoke-free environment. I want to reduce those preventable deaths, I want to reduce the burden on the NHS, desperately needed as everybody will attest, and obviously I want to reduce the burden on the taxpayer.

“So, yes I’m supportive, details will be set out.”