SCOTTISH Tory deputy chair has “stepped back” from her position to support Russell Findlay's campaign in the party’s leadership race.

Pam Gosal, an MSP for West of Scotland, said she has taken a leave of absence because she believes Findlay is the only candidate who can “unite” the Scottish Tories and get the party “winning again”.

The news of Findlay’s backing from the deputy chair follows reports last week that Tory MSPs held a series of secret meetings in a bid to prevent him from winning the contest.

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The meetings have reportedly been taking place for more than a month and involved up to 10 parliamentarians.

Findlay is widely regarded as the frontrunner in the leadership race and has the public backing of 12 MSPs.

The Tory leadership race is down to just three candidates with Findlay, Murdo Fraser, and Meghan Gallacher all in the running to replace the outgoing Douglas Ross.

Following the news of Gosal's support Findlay said: “I am hugely appreciative of the support from my colleague Pam Gosal MSP.

“I'm incredibly grateful to have the backing of a dozen MSP colleagues, alongside party members and supporters across the country.

“I'm standing to unite our party at every level and bring Conservatives together behind my positive vision for a new common-sense policy platform that champions aspiration, opportunity and decency.”