SHONA Robison is expected to announce announces hundreds of millions of pounds worth of cuts on Tuesday afternoon as Holyrood returns from summer recess.

The Scottish Finance Secretary has already hit out at Labour for a “whole new era of austerity” ahead of the statement.

The First Minister has already warned that there are more “tough decisions” ahead – here’s everything you need to know.

What time is Shona Robison’s statement?

According to the Scottish Parliament’s website, business in the Holyrood Chamber will begin around 2pm.

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There’s a couple of things to get through before the statement, including parliamentary bureau motions and two topical questions from Scottish Tory MSP Alexander Stewart and LibDem MSP Willie Rennie.

This will be followed by a ministerial statement on community cohesion before the statement from Robison.

How can I watch Shona Robison’s statement?

Shona Robison’s statement will be available to watch via Scottish Parliament TV – which can be found HERE.

Other major broadcasters such as the BBC and Sky News may also choose to broadcast the statement.

What has Robison said?

A number of measures have already been announced by the Scottish Government, which has redirected money from a nature fund and a free iPad scheme to go towards local authority pay awards.

Speaking ahead of her statement, Robison said: “The SNP Government has delivered a balanced budget in every year that we have been in office – and we will continue to do so.

"I am proud to serve in a government which is investing hundreds of millions of pounds to lift children in Scotland out of poverty, and is ensuring our police, our nurses and our teachers are the best-paid in the UK.

"We have taken many tough choices – including asking those on higher incomes to pay a bit more income tax – in order that we can invest more in public services like our NHS.

"But the fact is, the Scottish Government operates with a largely fixed budget determined by Westminster and, under the Labour Government, it is clear that we are entering a whole new era of austerity.

"The cuts that they are proposing to make will have a profound effect on our ability to deliver for the people of Scotland – but (the) SNP Government will do everything we can to protect people and public services from the cuts that Westminster is making to our budget.”