The National:

FOR everyone that didn’t read Nadine Dorries’s first conspiracy-laden book about the shadowy figures plotting to bring down democracy in the UK, there is another book on the way that can also be ignored.

But before getting to that, it’s worth taking a look at what Dorries – who under prime minister Boris Johnson was one of the most powerful people in the UK – is promising to deliver.

It is, after all, truly something.

Her second political expose – after “The Plot”, which was more a jumbled series of conspiracy theories than a fact-based memoir – will reveal things which “are more shocking than before”, Dorries has said.

These include – and we are not joking – claims of “group sex sessions which took place in a certain office in Westminster between votes” and “dark arts masters”.

Remember, this is a political tome by a former culture secretary, not a pornographic Harry Potter fanfic.

But when did common decency ever stop Nadine Dorries? 

Announcing the date of her new book on social media, the former MP wrote: “DOWNFALL is out on Nov 21st. The sequel to THE PLOT.

“The revelations are more shocking than before and tell the story of the dark arts masters who have strategically brought the Conservative Party to its knees.

“From the group sex sessions which took place in a certain office in Westminster between votes … to the real reason why Rishi called the election and left the D Day event early.

“Everything is worse than it seems and if the party is to survive – nothing can stay the same.”

She then included a link to pre-order the book, before apparently including a line fantasising about being the target of the same shadowy plotters she’s writing about.

Dorries wrote: “Puts on hard hat as plotters take aim and do their best to attack/discredit me as the launch date is revealed.

“Bring it on …”

Oh Nadine. No one needs to try to discredit you. You have done that well enough yourself.

But even if it does have the same name as a very famous movie about Hitler, her promised new book seems to have gone down well with her intended audience of nutters with Union flags in their Twitter/X name.

"Can’t wait to Order It and read it. The Tories are on a downward spiral," one such account wrote.

"The Plot was an excellent expose. I'll be buying this one too," another, equally confused, one added.

OK, we can all go back to ignoring Nadine Dorries again now.