HAPPY birthday to The National!

Well, not just yet. But it's coming up in November. Ten whole years!

To mark the occasion we're running our best-ever offer. Just £10 for a year to mark our 10th anniversary.

In case you still aren't sure why you'd take out a subscription to The National, we've made things very simple.

These are 10 reasons to subscribe to The National for £10

1) We're Scotland's only pro-independence daily newspaper

Somehow 10 years on from the referendum, with around half the population in favour of leaving the Union, there's only one pro-independence daily newspaper serving the people of Scotland. 

Supporting The National means seeing our front pages on newsstands across the country, challenging the Unionist media status-quo.

2) We ask the questions that actually matter

While politicians like Anas Sarwar seem to keep getting an easy ride from the Scottish media, we're not afraid to ask the questions you want to hear answered.

We can't always promise that MPs and MSPs will answer them properly ... but we'll never shy away from putting them in the spotlight. 

3) We cover the stories that go ignored

Whether it's digging into land reform, exploring progressive taxation options, digging deep into energy inequality or covering New Scots' challenges with the Home Office, we write the articles that others don't.

4) We consistently champion progressive issues

We campaigned on buffer zones for Scotland, raised over £100,000 for Medical Aid for Palestinians, and follow stories like the proposed conversion therapy ban closely. For just £10 a year, you can read news and opinion that is informed, rather than reactionary.

5) We run interesting in-depth series

This year we've run series looking into freeports, arms exports and Labour's PFI scandal. We've got lots more planned, including investigations into Grangemouth and the possibility of a land tax.

6) We feature a range of voices

Yes, The National is pro-independence. But the pro-independence movement is not one big homogeneous group. We bring together columnists from across all parties and none, Scotland and further afield, to offer a diverse array of opinion and analysis. You probably won't agree with all of the writers, but you'll get a better selection than you can at any other Scottish paper.

7) OK, we'll be more specific

You want a full list of our regular columnists? Sure, but bear in mind this doesn't include our dozens of other exceptional contributors ...

In order of Monday to Sunday ... we've got Tommy Sheppard, George Kerevan, Ellie Gomersall, Shona Craven, Jonathon Shafi, Steph Paton, Assa Samake-Roman, Caitlin Logan, Lesley Riddoch, Kelly Given, David Pratt, Richard Walker, Mhairi Black, Pat Kane, Kate Forbes, Owen Jones, Andrew Tickell, Rhoda Meek, Robin McKelvie, Gerry Hassan, the Wee Ginger Dug and Mike Small. Oh, and Scotonomics, Believe in Scotland and Common Weal have regular newsletters, too, while pro-indy parties the Scottish Greens, Alba and the SSP contribute weekly.

8) It's not just news and politics

Our 10 things that changed my life series interviews legendary, and up-and-coming, figures from across Scottish culture. We want to be champions of arts and culture in Scotland, and expand upon our already strong cultural coverage.

9) We're a young, innovative team

Led by the UK's youngest national newspaper editor, the editorial team at The National is keen to do things differently. We're reaching millions of people every month across TikTok and Instagram, where we know young Scots get their news.

10) We've still got a job to do

Yes, it's our 10-year anniversary. But Scotland still isn't independent. We've got a job to do, so join us and help us get across the line. 

Sign up for just £10 for a whole year now.