A GAELIC musician has released a new single with Emmy-award winner and Yes campaigner Alan Cumming focusing on the independence referendum 10 years on from the vote.

Griogair Labhruidh has released 2014 alongside Cumming, telling the story of one of Scotland’s most defining moments.

It’s described as “featuring a rich blend of traditional Gaelic influences, boom-bap hip-hop and the distinctive sound of bagpipes, a nod to Griogair’s long lineage of Scottish Highland pipers”.

The pair first met on the set of the Channel 4 show, Miriam and Alan: Lost in Scotland and Beyond.

Cumming said: “I am a huge fan of Griogair’s music and his work to keep the Gaelic language vibrant and present.

“So, when he asked me to collaborate with him on this song, I jumped at the chance. As a supporter of independence, I share his frustration and the song’s frustration about the false promises the Scottish people were made right before the 2014 referendum.

READ MORE: Alan Cumming tears into The Vow on 2014 referendum anniversary

“I see this song as both a warning about the lengths Westminster will go to delude us and also a rallying call to reignite our independent spirit.”

2014 is the first release on Labhruidh’s long-awaited solo album Solace, which has been 10 years in the making and is due for release in February 2025.