The National:

THE BBC has found itself in hot water after announcing that it would be broadcasting an exclusive interview with Boris Johnson.

The disgraced former prime minister has a book coming out on October 10 – called “unleashed” – and it is no doubt a coincidence that Laura Kuenssberg has chosen to interview him exactly one week before its release date.

It is also surely a coincidence that, rather than invite Johnson onto Kuenssberg’s weekly Sunday Show for a quick slot, the BBC has opted to give him a 30-minute-long primetime show mid-week.

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Johnson of course resigned his seat as an MP in ignominy in 2023 rather than face the consequences after having been found guilty of deliberately lying to parliament.

No doubt he will tell Kuenssberg the truth though … Promoting her interview with the irrelevant Tory leader, the BBC host wrote: “One for the diary …”

The news hasn’t been received in quite the way she will have anticipated. In internet terms, Kuenssberg has been “ratioed” – receiving some 4000 comments to just 700 likes.

Those comments were not complimentary – with some quipping that they had added events such as “literally anything else” or “don’t watch BBC One” to their diaries.

The National contributor Gerry Hassan wrote: “One of the BBC's most senior political journalists: Laura Kuenssberg seemingly happy to engage in profiling former UK PM Boris Johnson with the sole aim of helping him flog more copies of his book.

“Questionable political judgment by the BBC again.”

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“No one else but Laura cares any more,” journalist Tim Walker wrote.

Former Labour spin doctor Alastair Campbell said: “Read the replies. Smell the coffee @bbclaurak – be far better if he was in a court of law facing charges of corruption and misconduct in public office. Repeat offender.”

As journalist Annette Dittert asked: “Genuine question: Why would the BBC give Johnson airtime to promote his book?”

We’ve asked them.