IT'S the anniversary of the independence referendum, and we've spent all week bringing readers special content reflecting on 2014 and what came afterwards. 

We've brought you coverage of anniversary events across Scotland, in-depth interviews with leading Yes campaign figures, op-eds from senior pro-independence campaigners, reflections from activists and limited-edition artwork, plus much more.  We even hosted an event and launched a book.

Some people have been scathing in their assessments of the independence movement's position 10 years on. Others have been optimistic and solutions-focused. What matters is that voices from across the pro-independence movement are able to be heard within the pages of this newspaper.

Because, let's face it, who else would provide such in-depth reporting without the usual pro-Union spin? 

Subscribe for £10 for a whole year

Ten years on from the referendum, we're still the only daily paper in Scotland in favour of independence.

Other titles have used the anniversary to berate Yes supporters, talk down Scotland and rewrite history. Some have ignored it altogether.

Meanwhile, we understand how important it is that people get a space to think about what happened, and chart a path forwards – whether they were passionate indy campaigners, on the fence, or even opposed to the idea altogether.

Our subscribers help to support a space for debate and grown-up discussion among those who are pro-indy. Join us now for just £10 for a whole year and ensure the Scottish media has a space where that is possible. 

We're looking forward to you joining the community.