IN today's media landscape, having a diverse range of voices and perspectives is more important than ever. Over the past 10 years, The National has been a crucial part of that diversity in Scotland. From its first day, it set out to be more than just another newspaper; it sought to provide a platform for conversations that weren’t happening elsewhere, and to ensure that voices advocating for a fairer, more progressive Scotland could be heard loud and clear.

For me, being a columnist at The National has meant contributing to a space where different viewpoints can coexist, challenge each other, and ultimately drive the national conversation forward. In an era where media monopolies too often dominate the narrative, having a publication that pushes for Scotland’s independence, while also addressing broader issues like social justice, equality, and human rights, has never felt more necessary.

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The beauty of a free and diverse press is that it makes us reflect, question, and grow. The National has never shied away from uncomfortable truths or from providing a platform for marginalised voices.

Subscribing to The National is about making sure we’re having the conversations we need to have to build a more inclusive and fairer society. As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, your support is what will ensure we can keep pushing the debate forward for the next 10 years—and beyond.

For just £10, you can be part of a movement that is helping to shape the future of Scotland. Now, more than ever, Scotland needs a range of voices.