THE National, for me, represents the radical and unencumbered voice that most accurately represents Scottish political opinion. I have supported The National since its inception, but later intentionally chose it as a permanent home for my writing when the opportunity arose because it felt different to other outlets. 

Particularly for the independence movement, which has almost the entire weight of the British press and establishment stacked up against it – and is often buried in inaccuracies and sensationalist reporting – The National offers something different. A path to accurate information, not just concerning independence, but about Scottish affairs in general. A space where Scotland isn’t just constantly talked down, but celebrated and where political decisions in Scotland are analysed fairly. A place where interesting discussions are facilitated and fresh talent has the room to emerge in an industry that is tough to penetrate. 

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At The National, being a journalist isn’t just reserved for the degree-educated men or the privately educated. It’s an inclusive entity that’s striving, above anything else, for the truth to reach the eyes and ears of the Scottish public – free from the establishment bias that is so engrained in British media. 

Kelly Given joined The National in 2023Kelly Given joined The National in 2023 The fact that, against all odds, it is not only still standing 10 years on, but has become a well respected and recognised organisation in Scotland, speaks volumes about both the appetite there was and still is for something of its kind, and the calibre of talent of those who have worked over the years to bring it to fruition.

It is a joy to write for and be part of an organisation that allows me the journalistic freedom to express myself in the way that is encouraged here and I would encourage anyone who is interested in Scotland’s success to take advantage of the 10th anniversary deal