A Scottish LibDem councillor and an independent councillor have won a by-election in the Highland Council’s Cromarty Firth ward.

After all preferences were counted, Sinclair Coghill (independent) and John Edmondson (LibDem) were elected with 326 and 481 first preference votes respectively.

The by-election was announced after the resignation of independent councillor Pauline Munro and LibDem Molly Nolan – meaning this result hasn’t led to any change in party representation.

READ MORE: Russell Findlay announced as new leader of the Scottish Tories

Voters in the ward went to the poll yesterday and the by-election count was held this Friday morning in the Inverness Town House.

The turnout was 24.6%.

The two winners will join councillors Tamala Collier (Scottish National Party) and Maxine Smith (Highland Alliance) in representing Ward 6 on The Highland Council.