A SECTION of the A83 at the Rest and Be Thankful which is prone to landslides will be closed for “years rather than months” while a shelter is built.

Motorists have been diverted along the single-track Old Military Road numerous times over the years due to frequent landslides in the area.

More than £11m has been spent by Transport Scotland since 2014 combating and clearing landslips from the Rest and Be Thankful.

In a bid to combat road closures, plans have been drawn up to build a shelter over a section of the road.

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The 1.4km long shelter would effectively act as a tunnel as council planners hope it would help keep debris off the road.

It was revealed at an Argyll and Bute Council meeting that diversions for traffic would be in place for years rather than months during the construction of the shelter.

Executive director Kirsty Flanagan said: “During construction of the debris flow shelter, it is anticipated that all traffic will be directed onto the OMR due to the complexity of the construction requirements.

“Whilst traffic is expected to be diverted onto the OMR for a significant period - years rather than months - to allow construction, the actual duration will not be firmed up until a contractor is in place and programmes, method statements etc are completed.”

(Image: Transport Scotland)

Before construction of the shelter can begin upgrades to the parallel Old Military Road will be made to allow for two-way traffic.

However, the north-west end would remain a single track and would need to employ traffic management, including a convoy system, due to the steepness and how winding the road is.

Council leader Jim Lynch told the Oban Times: “This issue cannot rest until a permanent solution is in place.

“That has been the position of the council for many years.

“The chamber considered priorities today and the A83 features in them. It is of significant importance and is one of the biggest connections to Argyll and Bute. It is crucial to the growth of our success.

“I will knock on as many doors as I have to in order to get the best results for Argyll and Bute, and that includes the Rest and Be Thankful.”