SCOTS have shared their disgust online over Union flags being advertised on Scottish fruit rather than a Saltire.

The practice of “Union Jackery” is something The National has long reported on, with the paper commissioning a poll last year which showed most Scots prefer to see the St Andrew’s Cross on their foods.

Sainsbury’s is the latest to feel the scorn of Scottish shoppers as one unhappy customer posted a picture to social media of a punnet of strawberries from Angus with a Union flag on it.

Alongside the picture, the original poster said: “Tell us we’re a colony, without telling us we’re a colony.”

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The post soon gathered traction online with many shoppers expressing their disappointment with Sainsbury’s decision not to celebrate Scottish farmers by using a Saltire instead.

The National similarly found that punnets of strawberries in Sainsbury’s Buchanan Galleries store had packaging draped in Union flags despite the fruit coming from Tayside.

(Image: NQ)

Scots flooded the replies of the original post to share their dismay online as one person said: “There was a time, not so very long ago, they would be called Scottish strawberries and a nice thing it was too.

“Something we could be proud of. But no, that niceness has been taken away from us Sainsbury's, but they don’t care.”

Another person simply said: “Simply don’t buy it unless it got a Scottish flag on it support our local farmers.”

While a third person commented: “They've done the same to England. Used to be able to buy English butter, English Cheddar etc.

“Now it's British butter, British cheese, British Apples.”

“If it’s got a Jack, put it back,” said a fourth person.

Sainsbury’s has been approached for comment.