SUPPORT for the monarchy is falling, while pro-republic sentiment is growing. It's a straight-forward, fact based sentence, backed up by a huge number of polls from recent years. But it's bizarre how controversial it seems to be to point it out in the UK's mainstream media. 

The official position is that the royal are wonderful – a harmless bit of tradition, important for the country's heritage, positive representation for Scotland on the world stage ...

The unspoken rule on the BBC, most TV news and in the majority of tabloids is that you do not deviate from that script.

At The National we appreciate that more and more Scots are moving towards a pro-republic position, and we want to ensure that these views are not hidden away.

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We also understand that not all independence supporters are keen on the idea of a republic, and provide space for those voices too.

With the King and Queen touring Australia, we've been reporting on the protests they've faced and ensuring pro-republic campaigners are given a space to have their say.

So if you want to support a newspaper that isn't afraid of going outside the usual pro-monarchy status-quo, scrutinises the royals and won't publish nonsense puff pieces about one family's day-to-day life, then a subscription to The National is a must.

At the moment, you can get a whole year of access to The National for just £10 for our 10th anniversary – sign up here and help us to continue challenging the media's deification of the royal family ...