Labour is on course for a super-majority, Stephen Flynn has said as he urged voters to back the SNP to “hold them to account”.

As the election campaign enters its final week, the SNP’s Westminster leader said the Conservative campaign – which has been embroiled in a betting scandal in recent days – is “collapsing into farce” and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is “heading for a coronation”.

Labour has been keen to talk down the chances of securing a massive majority in the Commons on July 4, fearing a high number of undecided voters.

On Sunday, Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar described such talk as “nonsense”.

Line graph showing Labour's large lead in the polls
(PA Graphics)

Mr Flynn said: “There are now just seven days left to get rid of the Tories.

“A vote for the SNP on July 4 is the only guaranteed bet to finally get rid of the Tories in Scotland – and ensure a strong team of SNP MPs who will always put Scotland’s interests first.

“With the Tory campaign collapsing into farce with the gambling scandal, it’s clear Keir Starmer is heading for a coronation and will swan into Downing Street with a Westminster super-majority – the only question left is who will hold him to account?

“The real choice at this election now is which party do people trust to stand up for Scotland’s priorities, defend Scotland’s values and always fight Scotland’s corner – it has to be the SNP.”

He said the SNP will push for an end to cuts, cash for the NHS and more powers for the Scottish Parliament.

Meanwhile, First Minister John Swinney urged voters to back the SNP to “protect our NHS”, with his party committed to lodging a Bill at Westminster to ban the privatising of the health service

John Swinney in suit jacket and tie, listening to voters
First Minister John Swinney said the SNP will work to protect the NHS (Michael Boyd/PA)

He said: “Keir Starmer is planning £18 billion of cuts to public services if he gets into 10 Downing Street, which will starve our NHS in Scotland of the cash it needs to improve services.

“Worse still, Labour’s health secretary has claimed that Keir Starmer’s government will ‘hold the door wide open’ to private businesses and kick-start private investment in our precious health service.

“Labour is abandoning the party’s founding principles in their pursuit of power and the closer Keir Starmer gets to Number 10, the further he gets from Scotland’s values.

“With the Scottish National Party, the NHS will always be safe in public hands, where it belongs.”

But Scottish Tory chairman Craig Hoy said: “In key seats across Scotland, this election is a straight fight between the Scottish Conservatives and the SNP.

“If everyone who wants to beat the SNP votes for the Scottish Conservatives in these knife-edge battles, we can defeat the nationalists in seats up and down the country.

“A  vote for any other party – or not voting at all – risks an SNP win which they would only use to obsess about independence at the expense of our NHS and public services.”