ED MILIBAND was photographed sneaking out of Russell Brand’s mansion late on Sunday night, after filming an interview with the Revolution author for his Trews webcasts.

After hours of speculation as to the reason behind the meeting, Miliband said he had agreed to the interview, to make the upcoming election more “interesting”.

His rival for No. 10, David Cameron, revealed he turned down the opportunity to be interviewed by Brand. Speaking in front of a small crowd, Cameron told the cameras that “these are real people”, and that he doesn’t have time to “hang out” with Russell Brand.

Miliband responded, saying: “Some people were saying the campaign was too boring so I thought it would make it more interesting.“There are millions of people in our country who are not watching this election, who are not listening to this election and who think voting doesn’t make a difference,” he said.

Brand has become known for his strong political beliefs, as well as for encouraging people not to vote, and has a massive audience online with younger generations. 

Miliband added: “The danger is that politics is being played in an increasingly empty stadium and if we don’t recognise that and if we don’t engage in different ways with the people that aren’t engaging with this election then we’ll have fewer and fewer voting.”

Stand-up comedian and Revolution author Brand has not yet confirmed when the interview will be broadcast.

The interview is likely to have been one of the most challenging that Miliband has faced over the election campaign, in an environment very much outside the election time norm. Brand is famed for his rejection of the current political system and of the choices of parties that are on offer.

The comedian even came out in support for Scottish Independence last year, condemning the scare tactics of the Better Together campaign.

Miliband was on the campaign trail again yesterday, as he announced plans to tighten immigration with the introduction of 1,000 new border control guards within the party’s first 100 days in power, if they are to form the next government.

In an immigration centred speech, the Labour leader also pledged to stop serious criminals getting into the country.

He said: “If I am prime minister we will begin work immediately to fix our immigration system with a plan founded on fair rules, where wages can’t be undercut and benefits must be earned; a plan where our borders and our communities are strengthened.”