WE all have our dream of what an independent Scotland will be like. Mine is an independent Scottish socialist republic (not a dictatorship of the preliterate!). For a long time I have been deeply disillusioned with the SNP – its move to the right, its extreme control-freakery, its secretiveness etc, etc ... I could go on! And so I grit my teeth when voting, giving them my first vote, but no way are they getting my second.

I have longed for a truly left indy party with some chance, and now we have one in the Alba Party. I am working-class, I will always be working-class and do not want to be otherwise. But we have a dearth of working-class folk in the spectrum of our politics, with the exception of eg Mhairi Black, who has proven to be a wonderful MP.

READ MORE: Proclaimers back Alex Salmond's Alba Party for Holyrood election

Those in the schemes across Scotland are not going to vote for the suits; most find the suits utterly patronising. They need their working-class heroes that they trust but who are also an example to them. That their candidate – very importantly – really understands their lives and situations. That their candidate has their interests at heart, truly listens to them, and wants and can make a difference for their lives, and not just the normal fly-by-night candidates they encounter (there for their votes and disappear after, never to be seen again – until the next election).

And so voting remains a predominantly middle-class pastime and largely not for the schemes.

I have seen the abuse that Alex Arthur gets for comments that he is said to have made.

A) Comments can often be taken out of context. B) We all have our ignorance regarding issues, but once we understand the issues better we can change our views. Look how the Scottish population is kept ignorant by the chant of “too wee, too poor, too stupid”. We know this is wrong and we try to change attitudes so people understand the reality. C) I remember when Mhairi Black first stood. She was heavily criticised for comments she had made against Celtic supporters and many said she should not stand because of those. Do you still think she should not have stood? Do you want her to stand down? No, of course not and I as a Celtic supporter do not either.

READ MORE: Former boxing champ Alex Arthur is a winner, but will he deliver for Alba?

We all make comments we regret afterwards. So give the guy a chance! I am in one of the groups that he is supposed to have insulted and I am not calling for him to step down! Some will say “vote SNP second, you have more chance of making a difference!” (gaming the system?). I say “No, I am not convinced by that argument, I vote SNP first out of realpolitik but not through a like of them, so hold my nose still as I do. I will vote Alba second out of political conviction and belief and a gladdened heart!”.

I see the poll that says that Alba will not get any seats. But I ask “who did they ask?”. Have they asked the folk in the schemes who never or rarely vote? They are a huge potential voting base, but remain untapped as they are largely ignored and feel largely disenfranchised from the political system.

We need our working-class heroes before many will vote!!

We can defiantly say Alex Arthur is literally a working-class hero! And who knows, maybe it will entice the many Labour voters who support independence but would never vote SNP under any circumstances. Another untapped source?

So, I am glad that I have Kenny MacAskill and Alex Arthur standing in my area: they get my vote. I just wish more on the political left in politics would join them (Joanna Cherry would be great), but it is very early days yet!

Crìsdean Mac Fhearghais
Dùn Eideann