SPURRED on by the flyer from our local church about Christmas food bank donations, I decided to set myself a task. What could be bought with £20? The amount of Universal Credit that has been so callously removed from so many families by the UK Government.

Yes, I went to the wonderful Aldi, and Yes, I chose economy lines, but I believe this picture tells a tale of the reality of what has been inflicted on so many families in desperate need (cropped out are four tins of beans and two of carrots).

I followed, to the letter, the list of requested items, and it took me four trips to humph it home!

The lady who we delivered it to was amazed that the two almost unliftable bags had all been bought for £20. It was one of those conversations on a doorstep that made me think of a possible National campaign… could we all do this and keep sending the PM and the Chancellor graphic images of the reality? We need something to keep this appalling situation on the agenda. I promise it’s very satisfying as well as heartrending. Let’s all do it at least once a week!

Jenny Pearson