WHEN you look back in history and right up to today, the one common constant has been England using other countries’ resources and people to finance the expenditure of England on itself.

They cannot survive on their own out of the Union because they are used to using the resources and taxes of the other three countries of the Union to fund their own country.

It was tea, oil, rubber or gold from the Commonwealth in the past, it’s now oil, water, gas and electricity alongside whisky taxes from Scotland that finances England.

England can never cope on its own because it has never had to! They’ve been like the petulant child, always wanting their own way but who suddenly reaches age 21 and thinks, hell’s bells, I’ve got to start paying for my own house now!

This, my friends, is why they don’t want us to leave their precious Union: because they have been using Scotland as the bank of mum and dad for so long now that they’re scared to venture out into the world on their own to make their own way. Well it’s time the bank of mum and dad threw the kids out and regained their independence I think.

Steve Cunningham