IN these deeply troubled times with Covid, global warming and the unfolding tragedy of Ukraine, our discredited and deceitful PM has incredulously compared the Ukrainian fight for freedom and independence to that of Britain’s Brexit.

The fact is, Boris Johnson’s disastrous and fractious Brexit deal had greatly contributed to Putin’s view of European disunity, resulting in the invasion of Ukraine. The ludicrous world jet-setting Johnson, in avoiding his UK troubles, only dishonours the once-proud name of Great Britain.

It is now more vital than ever that Scotland leaves this broken and toxic Union in 2023, before Johnson calls a snap General Election which will bury us all in a rising tide of Anglo, British nationalism.

Grant Frazer
Cruachan, Newtonmore

BORIS Johnson is spot on. There is indeed a connection between the Brexit disaster and the disaster of Ukraine. Johnson’s Brexit has undermined the security of the European Union in the West, just as Putin has attempted to undermine the security of the EU in the East. No, Johnson has not launched a bloody war, but he has irresponsibly and unforgivably risked bloody conflict in Ireland.

A predominantly English Brexit has deprived the right of an overwhelming majority of people in Scotland and Northern Ireland to be Europeans, just as Putin has attempted to suppress the rights of the people of Belarus and Ukraine to join their neighbours to the West. In this miserable game, Johnson is way ahead of Putin.

READ MORE: Boris Johnson 'isolating Brexit Britain even further' with Ukraine comments

There will be an even stronger connection for Brexiteers to savour when the situation is resolved, and when an independent Scotland joins a properly independent Ukraine in the European Union.

Professor Nigel Osborne
MBE Cockburnspath

SO Boris reckons Brexit and voting for leaving the EU is on a par with what is happening in Ukraine… really! The only similarity is that Scotland wants its freedom from Westminster and is being denied that option by Boris.

Mouthing platitudes to freedom is not enough, Boris – Scotland wants its freedom so it can thrive and grow. Put your thoughts into action and let us go.

I don’t think I can remember a prime minister who can use analogies so ridiculous but what he thinks are clever – Peppa Pig to Brexit and anything ridiculous in between.

I so hope the Scottish population sees what I see: a Scottish devolved parliament that cares for its populace and could do so much more.

I tell friends that England does not get free bus travel for young and old, does not get free prescriptions for young and old, that education at university is so much more accessible to its population with the result we have amongst the highest percentage of educated populace in the world – these are points to ponder in favour of independence, not forgetting our wind and water potential and how much this country of Scotland could do with full fiscal control.

We could do so much more if we could escape Westminster and these latest “open the mouth and let anything come out” remarks – evidence of this. Our First Minister leaves Boris in the shade. Let us call him out. If he is so much in favour of freedom then let Scotland go.

Frieda Burns

BORIS Johnson has once again proved that he is a thick, crass, entitled imbecile. This comes from his public school background, in which he was told that he was above the normal rules that apply to everyone else.

His comparison of the Ukraine crisis to the Brexit vote was utterly incomprehensible. The people of Ukraine did not vote to make their lives worse due to a crude right-wing billionaire-funded propaganda campaign.

Boris Johnson was happy to take donations from Putin’s cronies, even sending some to the House of Lords. This was over the objections of the security services.

Johnson only survived having to resign from office over partygate due to the Ukraine crisis. The bourgeois party’s called for “unity” in stoking war with Russia. Johnson and his Tories suffered no detriment for supplying weapons to Russia.

While Johnson tries to play Churchill, there is still a Tory cost of living crisis. According to the Trussell Trust, a third of people on Universal Credit have not been able to heat their homes for four days over the last month. Some are even switching off their fridges. This is a direct result of the Tories cutting Universal Credit by £20.

The 800 staff fired by P&O were a direct result of Tory anti-union laws. The Tories feigned outrage but would secretly have supported the decision.

The Chancellor delivers his Budget this week. It will be one of giveaways to the fat cats paid for by the continued evisceration of everyone else’s living standards. That’s the Tory way.

Alan Hinnrichs