FUTURE students of history will doubtless examine and analyse the role that the present Westminster government had to play in the break-up of the Union and in making any semblance of UK democracy moribund.

A government peopled by ministers who have unmistakably utilised “dark money” to achieve their Brexit dream, irrespective of the consequences for the vast majority of UK citizens, and who cannot, it would appear, identify one tangible advantage of Brexit several years down the line.

A leader, chosen by Tory party members, who is a congenital liar, amoral and utterly corrupt and who now, with his hypocritical and ingratiating Chancellor, have admitted to breaking their own laws following outright denials in parliament and yet will certainly not resign or even feign genuine responsibility for their actions.

READ MORE: War has never been a reason not to replace a UK Prime Minister

The British class system has never been so transparent, with one rule for the entitled upper echelons of society and one rule for the rest. Covid restrictions and keeping to the law were only for the little people and not for old Etonians and Oxbridge chaps. Honour, dignity and respect for the law and others is simply not part of their culture.

They ignored international law when it became inconvenient. They prorogued parliament to suit their own purposes. They lied to the sovereign of the country, who mourned her dead husband whilst they partied. All the while they continue to pass draconian immigration laws, dilute workers’ rights and move further to the political right than any government for a generation. Their friends in the media fail to hold them to account and in many cases openly support their anti-democratic policies and crypto-fascist leanings.

READ MORE: Partygate fines: First UK Government minister resignation over scandal

Predictably Tory MPs and MSPs have either emerged to support the misleading of parliament, breaking of the Ministerial Code and breathtaking criminality of the leading politicians in the country or they have observed a supine silence. The Scottish Conservative leader, in backing his boss, has cemented his reputation as a branch manager and effete lightweight. His contention that you cannot remove a leader during a war is pathetic and risible. In case he’s confused, we are not actually at war and, in any case, both world wars witnessed Prime Ministers being replaced during the conflicts, namely Churchill for Chamberlain and Lloyd George for Asquith.

The UK is now officially a stranger to any semblance of democratic reality. As prices of fuel, food and utilities soar and inflation rises, Boris Johnson metaphorically fiddles whilst his country burns. The Northern Ireland protocol smoulders menacingly in the background and calls for Scottish and indeed Welsh independence grow increasingly stronger and more desperate.

The pilot and co-pilot of the aircraft Britannia are locked in their cabin with the only two parachutes left on the plane as it nosedives towards the ground. They can neither hear their passengers nor simulate empathy for them. They know that they’ll be safe whatever happens next.

Owen Kelly

I’M sorry ... for being caught! I made a mistake, an error! I’ve paid the fine ... but resign? No way hosay! Wriggle out of this? Yes of course I will! It will soon be forgotten news. England and my party will back me for ever! There’s nobody else! Although irresponsible, I’m untouchable, I’m immune, I’m the greatest and most amicable leader the UK has ever seen. I’m the omnipotent Boris de Pfeffel Johnson.

Surely the UK deserves better. Scotland thankfully has the means ... indyref2.

Robin MacLean
Fort Augustus