BORIS Johnson's political stock has now fallen so low that he feels safer in an actual war zone than he does at Westminster, which explains his surprise visit to Kyiv.

Now, the Prime Law-breaker has buggered off to India to spend time with Narendra Modi, another right-wing nationalist populist with scant regard for the rule of law, conveniently giving a body swerve to yesterday's humiliation in the House of Commons.

According to a recent study by Indian legal scholar Tarunab Khaitan, the Indian government of Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has "incrementally but systemically attacked nearly all existing mechanisms that are in place to hold the political executive to account". Perhaps Johnson is looking for some tips on how he can save his brass neck.

The National: Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Prime Minister of India Narendra ModiPrime Minister Boris Johnson and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi

Johnson has now been referred to the Parliamentary Privileges Committee which will look into whether he lied to Parliament. A Government attempt to kick the can down the road failed when it became clear that few Tory backbenchers were prepared to debase themselves even further and support Johnson publicly.

The Committee will begin its enquiry after the police investigation into the lockdown busting social gatherings has been completed. If the Committee finds that Johnson did lie to Parliament, as everyone and their granny knows he did, the rules say that he would have to resign. But Johnson, a man who believes to the very core of his being that he is even more of a special one than Jose Mourinho, will have as his first instinct the belief that this is merely another one of those rules which should not be allowed to inconvenience him personally.

READ MORE: Boris Johnson told to 'come clean' if he's been fined for breaking the law AGAIN

We will have to rely upon the supine Conservative MPs to appreciate that this is a line that even Johnson must not be allowed to cross and to force him out of office. We can be certain that he will not go of his own accord. More plausibly however, the enquiry will be another Conservative stitch-up that drags British democracy through the mud just to protect one of their own.

The Metropolitan police investigation into partygate has not yet concluded, and there is a suspicious smell about the fact that Home Secretary Priti Patel, who has ultimate responsibility for the Met Police, has failed to press the force to ensure that their investigation comes to a speedy conclusion. It is very much in Johnson's interests to stall as long as possible in the hope that public anger about his behaviour dissipates.

It is being reported that Johnson could be facing more fines for breaking the laws about social gatherings during lockdown, on top of the fines which he has already received.

The National: Downing Street partygate

The Met police has announced that it will not be providing any more information about the issuance of fines connected to the "partygate" investigations until after the local government elections on May 5. However, a Downing Street spokesperson has confirmed that if any fines are issued to Johnson or to the Cabinet Secretary Simon Case the news will be made public. So far, the police have issued at least 50 fixed-penalty notices, including to Johnson and Chancellor Rishi Sunak.

Today Nicola Sturgeon launched the SNP manifesto for May's local elections. She has been criticised by the usual suspects for a manifesto pledge to make progress on independence and saying that the SNP's elected councillors will support the Scottish Government's clear mandate to hold indyref2.

The shenanigans in Westminster with a habitual liar and serial law-breaker of a Prime Minister who maintains that he will remain in office until the next General Election and a Westminster system which is patently unable to hold him to account only highlights the pressing need for Scottish independence.

This piece is an extract from today’s REAL Scottish Politics newsletter, which is emailed out at 7pm every weekday with a round-up of the day's top stories and exclusive analysis from the Wee Ginger Dug.

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