SO B Johnson can say “Sir Beer Karma” and “Vladimir Corbyn” and “Scottish nationalist party” with impunity, yet he can’t be called a liar. Seems to me that the Speaker of the Commons needs to behave more like a Speaker and call the Prime Minister to order and tick him off. Unfortunately it would appear he is more concerned with securing his possible future in the House of Lords than ensuring that MPs are not slurred and ridiculed.

I have already written to the Speaker’s office objecting to BJ’s purposeful use of the term “nationalists” but it doesn’t seem to make any difference, as his performance following the Sue Gray report indicated.

READ MORE: Boris Johnson and Douglas Ross in danger as poll shows plummeting popularity

I doubt if John Bercow or Betty Boothroyd would have stood (sat) idly by and listened to such imbecility from anyone, least of all a PM!

Paul Gillon

IT is beyond satire that, on the day I wrote a letter to The National deploring the playground antics of the Unionist parties, Douglas Ross was reprimanded in Holyrood by the Presiding Officer for calling the Deputy First Minister names.

Gavin Brown