GET Borexit done! Seems like one of his own political campaign slogans. Only this is potentially more serious than those which have gone before.

On Thursday we were treated, if that is the word, to another episode of Johnsonian theatrical performance carefully designed to once again get him off the proverbial hook. He stood there declaring that he was resigning as leader of the Conservative party; note he did not say he was resigning as Prime Minister, but that he would carry on into the autumn as a “caretaker”. He has not resigned as PM.

This keeps him in charge of any degree of mischief-making which he cares to think up in the meantime. In theory this period of time can stretch into the future until some other excuse can be imagined for his continuation in office, while an endless procession of blue-clad nonentities parade their “abilities” in front of us all in the hope of convincing us all that they are the new saviour of the Great British state. What a way to run a tin-pot country, which is what this Tory-led disaster has become.

READ MORE: UK Government urges Supreme Court to throw out case for indyref2

Not only that, but the truth of the matter is that at the end of all this the “electorate” which has the right to vote in this fiasco consists of a couple of hundred thousand dyed-in-the-wool Tories. That’s it! The remaining 65 million inhabitants of these lands have no say in who will be the next incumbent of Number 10, always assuming that there is a vacancy.

This has to be the most undemocratic system existing in the whole world: surely either the existing deputy should take over immediately as caretaker – what a joy that would be – or the whole thing should be decided by action in the House of Commons, within the next few days.

That brings us to the other piece of this complicated jigsaw: Scottish independence. Our First Minister has put forward her proposals for progress for achieving this aim. The Section 30 option has already been discounted, while the next is still some distance away from a legal opinion.

READ MORE: The REAL Scottish Politics: UK reveals anti-independence Supreme Court ploy

This brings into focus the extremely serious question of everyone working together to achieve our independence aims. From what I hear, there is a continuing rabble of disagreement going on between various factions on social media. I am not privy to social media, but it certainly sounds like a recipe for disaster in relation to our independence aspirations. This sort of thing has to stop. This means that we all “sing from the same hymn sheet” towards a successful result. By that I mean all: SNP, Greens, Alba, and any other party which has got itself organised into a coherent state. I include in that number even all the high-heid-yins of any of these parties. Hold your nose if you need to, but just do it. I have a whole bag of clothes pegs if you need physical support for your snout! I did this myself in the most recent Scottish election, and neither myself nor the nation are any the worse for it.

Failure on the part of the leadership of any of the aforementioned parties to do this should see steps taken to replace them, as we must all keep in focus that important goal – extrication from the mess which is the United Kingdom. While it may not seem to be imminently likely, a UK General Election could be upon us at any moment, taking us forward to the point where we have achieved a vote with a successful pro-independence majority. Then it is stated that negotiations for independence should start with rUK. What happens when they just plain refuse to respond, and ignore us? They will, you know. What plans are there in hand for further progress in such a scenario?

READ MORE: Philippa Whitford destroys 'nonsense' Tory claims on Scotland's NHS during Politics Live

A planned route through the United Nations rights for indigenous nationalities by which they achieve independence may well be a route which could be followed.

So please, Nicola, get the future progress of that route map out there, including all the still missing bits concerning currency, banking, and a national central bank. The Union side will have been working on how to respond to all of them for ages by now.

Let us all get it going full steam ahead and get out there and march with the troops – we can do it!

George M Mitchell