WHETHER Tweedledum or Tweedledee becomes the next Prime Minister, there will be no genuine attempt by the Westminster government to seriously consider the wishes of the people of Scotland. 

The desire to build a close trading relationship with our European neighbours or to construct a modern democratic structure that reflects what was presented as the Union of 1707, or even what was proclaimed during the referendum of 2014, will be arrogantly dismissed.  There is no partnership, never mind a “partnership of equals” and in fact we now have anglophiles telling us Scotland is no longer a country while they themselves act as if England persists as the UK. Union Jacks will continue to be wrapped around the new “Premier” with the flag of St George given the prominence appropriate to a right-wing narrative tacitly supported by many compliant spectators as well as by the increasing number of strident voices given platforms by the puppets of the media barons. 

As history repeats itself many will come to regret not having opened their eyes wider or spoken out louder when an increasingly authoritarian government gave license, often furtively but sometimes blatantly, to a more disdainful, unjust and unequal society. While feeding selfish ambitions foodbanks proliferate and the general public are encouraged to be scornful of the poor, the disadvantaged or those fleeing catastrophic circumstances in the countries of their birth.

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Through self-determination Scotland can show there is a better way, based on respect for one’s neighbours, compassion for those in need and equality of opportunity for all, not only for those aligned to an ideology of greed or diverted by personal privilege.  Whether Tweedledum or Tweedledee, for the sake of all the people inhabiting these islands he or she must be the last Prime Minister of the long-dysfunctional UK.  Stan Grodynski Longniddry, East Lothian  FOR the attention of Scottish Tories who think the Scottish Government is wasting time organising indyref2.

Reflect on the last two weeks in Westminster. Boris misses another Cobra meeting while London burns – but why change the habits of a lifetime? He missed the first five Cobra meetings about Covid – too busy organising his divorce.

Priti Patel was a no show at a committee where she was suppose to answer questions.

Dominic Raab was a no show at a committee in Westminster.

Kwasi Kartang was a no show at a meeting on climate.

All of the above refused to answer questions by the committees set up to scrutinize them.

The famous billion pound trade deal with Australia released at midnight on the last day before recess thus avoiding scrutiny – even though it is known that they will be able to sell foodstuff here using less stringent regulations and therefore cheaper. The National Farmers Union is already up in arms.  Then to top it all Kwasi Kwartang changed the law to allow businesses to hire temporary skilled workers to allow them to mitigate disruption from strikes – all this despite condemning P&O for doing exactly that – but of course its OK when it’s a Tory plan.

Where is the media and the BBC on this – silent? And the Tories in Scotland have not even been asked about any of this.

Organising indyref2 gives Scotland hope that we can leave the broken, incompetent, corrupt Westminster government and the total hypocrisy of Tory MPs pushing Boris out at the same time as giving him a standing ovation. Never thought I would admire Teresa May!

Never mind, Boris can enjoy the summer at Chequers at our expense and his dog can ruin more furniture.

Winifred McCartney Paisley

PLEASE will someone tell me I’m not the only person out there bawling at news reporters on the telly for not asking the totally bleeding obvious question in interviews related to Liz Truss’ plans for tax cuts? As she didn’t specify her plans were only for those on lower incomes, I’m assuming that when it comes to personal tax cuts that they will be across the board.

Why the hell then are no news reporters that I’ve seen so far, asking Truss or other Tories, on what planet is it acceptable to give more dosh to millions of folk throughout the UK that have more than enough, thank you very much! How is this a priority for government when grinding poverty throughout the land is relentless and increasing exponentially?

The answer would no doubt be something along the lines that tax cuts will help grow the economy and in time the benefits will filter down to those with the least. B*****s! We have been hearing that nonsense for years since a certain person called Margaret Thatcher came to power in 1979. The standard of living of those with the least in society has been decimated since then. There were no food banks in 1979 or if there were I never heard of them.

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There should be tax and National Insurance cuts for the lowest paid only, but here’s the rub, in my opinion there definitely should be some sort of significant wealth tax with the income accrued from that to be ring-fenced, and spent only on anything that will help the poorest in society.

I want to live in a Scotland where politicians are not afraid of making such decisions. I want to live in a Scotland that will be properly fair to all, not just “pretendy” fair. If that hacks off some selfish folk so be it! What we need is a bit of carpe diem! (I’m so sorry for such a cringeworthy cliché but you know what I’m getting at....)

Ivor Telfer Dalgety Bay, Fife

AND cue the meltdown. No, this has nothing to do with the weather nor the climate but has plenty to do with fragile Unionist beliefs being exposed to the light of day. 

Throughout the day we have had trolls, agency staff and supposedly intelligent people regurgitating the Unionist mantras of 2014, some stretching back to 1966, 1945, 1918 and 1690. Each one of them was found to be lacking substance and integrity.  The posts seem to be served up by the blinkered, the bigoted and grey cell depleted. It is not as if they have could not have seen this time coming? It, after all, has been developing since they announced the result on September 18 2014.  What I think all the Unionists are confused with is, yes we have respected the democratic result, but no, it was a result not set in stone. Again, it comes back to the propaganda and a tool in their box that has been so misused as to render it worthless to them.

They are so ponderous in approach and so laboured in their statements, as they clutch at straws, flocking to Boris Johnson and that overly promoted narcissist’s administration.  The Scottish electorate have looked through the smoke and mirrors of the Whitehall imperial machine, we no longer hang on every word of those sent north to pacify us. We have no respect at all for an apparatus that respects none in return. Simply put, we are living in the here and now, and we are well using all the news platforms that we can access. On doing so, we have discovered the Westminster, Whitehall, House of Lords triad for what it is and that is a self-serving profit generating scam.  As for the Yes movement, well, it is the easiest of tasks and by that I mean rise, rise, rise and be counted. Independence is ours to be won.

Our future is bright, independence is right.  Cliff Purvis Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0/SNP Armed Forces and Veterans  A PROFESSOR of migration at the University of Aberystwith, Wales, was discussing the cross-party report on the efficacy of the Conservative and Unionist Party policy of deportation to Rwanda of boat people picked up in the channel.

The report condemns the policy and procedures and states that it is no deterrent to the migrants.  The professor agreed and further added clarity to the policy where the UK Government must ensure that these migrants are processed correctly, however, the processing does not have to take place in the UK, hence the use of Rwanda as a deterrent.

He did comment that whilst in Rwanda, the UK cannot abrogate it’s ownership of responsibilities towards these migrants.

A previous solution option was again aired, where setting up processing at reception centres in France, would be a far better (less costly) opportunity.

The only detriment, was those migrants that failed to get a visa to move to UK, would be left for France to manage, which is a little fuzzy, and not clear.

The professor, commented on the usefulness of the Rwanda Plan and posed a question.

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Would a woman from Nigeria who had crossed the Sahara desert, and the 90% likelihood of being raped and having possession stolen, be put off by crossing the English Channel in small boats?

He also commented that migration, has been part of humanity since before the common era, it is not likely to stop now.

Alistair Ballantyne Birkhill, Angus

THERE come various times in your life when your beliefs are shattered and you wonder why it has not been apparent all along. Furthermore you wonder whether it has been obvious to everyone else all this time.

I had always assumed that Unionist Parties were neo-colonial, loath to give up access to our resources. In the light of the Tory “leadership” charade, the ignorance of the global climate crisis and the masquerade of the Labour Party I have realised that they are afraid of us.  The establishment of a successful, socially just, wealthy, fair and environmentally responsible state on their borders would be their death knell. The English proletariat would look to the example of Scotland and send them packing. That’s what they are afraid of.

Ian Richmond, Dumfries and Galloway