YOU have to laugh at the Sunak/Truss duet advocating the need to hold Scottish Government to account regarding its handling of health, education and no doubt other services when it is difficult to suggest any public service down south which is outperforming its Scottish equivalent. It would be more helpful to their electorate if they asked the Scottish Government how they manage on such a finite budget.

I remember as a youngster a wealthy guy told me his philosophy: “Rob the rich and give to the poor.” Aye right!

READ MORE: Scottish independence to be 'rebranded as separatism' under Liz Truss's leadership

By the time he and his Tory government members have finished filling the pockets of their billionaire friends and hidden their takings abroad, mere crumbs remain to sustain the services required by the vast poor majority.

This is a pantomime doing the country with two classless acts ignoring the facts and making up lines dependent on where they are performing. On Tuesday night in Scotland, the home of pantomime, this really was a farce and a half.

Tom Gray