I WOULD suggest that we cram as much reading in as possible whilst we still have the daylight. We will face a winter of power cuts and cold homes that will kill the vulnerable.

This crisis is not new, it did not start with the sanctions imposed on Russia for it has been decades in the making. What we are witnessing are the cracks opening to chasms in the UK’s energy generation strategy. So focused on fossil fuel and so anti wind, tide or any form of renewable has Westminster been that they realise the complete folly in their inaction too late.

Johnson’s comment over the weekend that we will emerge stronger and more prosperous smacks of the last days of any populist administration. Not one of his Cabinet nor any of the parasites that occupy the upper echelons of the triple-headed monster (Westminster, Whitehall and Downing Street) will be in any way affected by the cluster bombing of the infrastructure. There has not been any consistent plan, no forward-thinking, no inspired leadership, and it will be their downfall.

How can any Unionist now state that the broad shoulders of the Union are what we need? How can they say that we are better together?

The end of empires is never a pretty site, and what we are witnessing from the Johnson administration is gut-wrenchingly disgusting. They accused Nero of playing his lyre as Rome burned. What we have is a liar on the fiddle quaffing back the alcohol as pensioners starve and freeze.

The question is for just how long will the people, the plebs, put up with the excesses of a government so remote and so very detached?

Cliff Purvis

Veterans for Scottish

Independence 2.0

SLAP my face, shake me by the shoulder to awaken me from the nightmare I am in., the content of which is the following.

There is a maniac who requires geography lessons (as does her opponent) who could be the next prime minister of her imagined “Great Britain”. An idiot whom other world leaders look upon as a greater idiot than Boris Johnson.

A PM who happily states she would press the button to start a nuclear war and incredibly is applauded and cheered by her audience. Only some deranged, unthinking morons could cheer at the possibility of their own destruction.

Then we have a national and Scottish leadership of the Labour party who willingly allow themselves to be used by the Tories to inflict the self-same policies on the very workers whose interests Labour should be defending. A Tory party who will stab them in the back when they no longer have any use of them.

And the reason that they are allowing themselves to be so used is because their hatred of the SNP goes deeper than their concern for the wellbeing of the working class.

Then there is Scottish Labour’s rejection of anything the SNP government does for the betterment of Scotland and its citizens.

Then any journalist or indeed anyone else who gives any form of praise to Nicola Sturgeon or Scotland is subjected to the most vicious Unionist abuse.

When I awake and discover my nightmare was the reality, I thank goodness that we have The National to counter all this madness, lies and stupidity along with a rainbow tapestry independence movement to give challenge to all of it. Sane islands in a sea of insanity.

Bobby Brennan


WHILE the leaderless UK slips into debt and recession, Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss, in their long Tory leadership campaign, have shown their ignorance and disrespect for Scotland. Truss would simply ignore the democratically elected First Minister, while Sunak would systematically undermine the devolution settlement.

In abandoning “Four Nations” Conservatism, along with devolution, in favour of a central, insular British Brexit state, this will hasten an independent Scotland, Wales, Irish re-unification and the final breakup of the post-imperial United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Grant Frazer


TO some extent I would agree with Ms Truss(t) and no handouts.

With the Government’s “Levelling Up” programme they should be offering bonuses, golden handshakes, refunds, or discounts – the accepted “gifts” to the higher paid in the community.

These are, in many cases, in the millions of pounds to employees who have done their job and nothing more. To say that because the company has performed well “entitles” them to a bonus but does not “entitle” those on lower pay to the same is a misnomer,as the lower paid are the ones who have made the company profitable.

So Ms Truss(t) – level up!!

Nigel Theobald


I MUST go along with the views on GERS expressed by Ian Stewart on Friday and Andy Anderson on Monday.

GERS have been shown for what they are on many occasions, as not indicative of the prospects for an independent Scotland.

So why produce them, then try to justify them? It’s a puzzle, as they are used as a stick against independence.

I’m left wondering if the SNP administration is still serious about pushing for independence when this and other inaction calls into question their motive.

Too comfortable with the current set-up, so go through the motions and keep supporters quiet, seems to be the answer.

Drew Reid


The outgoing Prime Minister encourages us to get behind his Great British nuclear campaign.

That’ll be the campaign led by the Sizewell C plant, funded, constructed and eventually operated by the majority state owned Electricite de France.

Cameron Crawford
