JUST stop and consider for a second the brouhaha that would have erupted in the media if a Scottish minister, sacked from a leading role in government, was reinstated merely six days later by the First Minister. A minister who had not so much as broken but smashed the Ministerial Code. A minister whose remit meant deciding the fate of the most vulnerable people to enter the country, something akin to putting King Herod in charge of a local kindergarden.

Welcome to the UK and a Conservative government so completely unfit for purpose that its primary objective is to stop the party from internecine feuding. The Home Secretary’s reinstatement by the new Prime Minister following a grubby “behind the stairs” deal is a transparent attempt to placate the far right wing of the party, a group of salivating crypto-fascists, rabidly xenophobic backbenchers and, of course, the Trumpian reactionaries who inhabit the ERG.

READ MORE: Suella Braverman's anti-immigrant stance is trashing PM's pleas for 'compassionate Conservatism', critics say

One day after a firebomb attack on a Dover immigration centre by a right-wing terrorist, Suella Braverman’s use of inflammatory language and overtly anti-immigrant rhetoric is not simply pernicious but virtue signalling of the worst possible kind. Recent Home Secretaries such as Theresa May and Priti Patel have been guilty of dangerous hyperbole regarding people seeking asylum in the UK but the woman now dubbed “Cruella” has taken this scapegoating to a dangerous new level.

Her consistent dehumanising of refugees and dreams of dumping asylum seekers in Rwanda are testament to an unspeakably vile and populist English nationalism that was a political territory that previously housed the BNP and Ukip but now represents mainstream Tory support and their MPs. Ms Braverman is the living embodiment of a Brexit that rejoices in a delusional splendid isolation that has abandoned all political actuality to embrace neoliberalism and all its iniquity.

READ MORE: Dover petrol bomb suspect Andrew Leak ‘posted anti-Muslim rants on Facebook’

The Home Secretary has denied responsibility for the overcrowding and inhumane conditions at the Manston immigration centre despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Ironically, Brexit has significantly increased the numbers of asylum seekers coming to the UK due to the suspension of the EU Dublin agreement and the abandonment of processing centres in France. Despite 75% of asylum appeals being successful, she continues to employ dog-whistle tactics regarding immigration that delight the right wing of her party and incendiary publications like the Daily Mail and the Daily Express.

Left in post, I fear Ms Braverman may employ increasingly drastic solutions to deal with what she deems an invasion by immigrants to the UK. Putting children in cages and employing what we may term euphemistically as holding camps could well be far from unrealistic possibilities. She must be sacked, again, in the name of common decency and humanity.

Owen Kelly|

THE current chaos at the heart of this dysfunctional Tory government surely presents further proof that an independent Scotland is a must.

The Sunak "coronation" is essentially an appeasement operation which attempts to reconcile the hard right and the dismal mix of Tory charlatans who voice democracy, but practice elitism and exclusion.

Sunak’s focus on cuts to public services will be supported by Scottish Tories, whilst the Labour lead is crumbling in the wake of the Sunak bounce.

READ MORE: Church condemns Suella Braverman for asylum seeker ‘invasion’ comment

The Braverman fiasco reveals the true nature of the Tory ideology. A government without compassion or integrity focusing on xenophobic policies and personal survival. More dangerous perhaps is the language of exclusion and fear of the “other” … an invasion threatening community and well-being. There is no doubt that this strategy is rooted in the government’s failing Brexit policies and the need to nurture fear and scapegoating at all levels.

An independent Scotland in the fullness of time can break free from this toxic mindset and offer well-managed asylum policies which welcome those fleeing oppression.

Dr Terry Barber

SO wee Dougie has gone to speak to Sunak about a charm offensive in Scotland? They’re going to struggle with charm but they’ll manage fine with the offensive part. I am nearly 78 and cannot recall a time when the Tories were anything other than offensive! Highly offensive!

Les Hunter

WHAT a great letter from Jim McGregor in Tuesday’s paper. I totally agree with every point Jim makes about Police Scotland. They want the money but just what are they doing for it?

I had a recent experience with Police Scotland when I reported an extremely large caravan which was fully parked upon the pavement, it had been there for a couple of weeks before I reported it as by that time I was completely frustrated that my freedom of movement on my mobility scooter was being blocked by the actions of the owner/s of the caravan.

I did try the local authority, but they make it clear on their website that keeping the pavements clear is the responsibility of the police. I waited for a reply from the online form I filled in and was getting more and more frustrated at not getting one, I contacted them again. Eventually I got a response explaining that two officers had attended to the complaint and their perception was that the caravan was not blocking the pavement. After several e mails back and forth I realised I had hit a brick wall and that there was no way I was going to get my complaint dealt with in any way, shape or form.

Who in the name of the wee man could perceive that a large caravan wasn’t blocking a pavement? Sure as hell puts their judgement about that and indeed other circumstances they encounter seriously in to question. Yes Jim, they want more money to do as little as possible!

Anne Smart
Milton of Campsie