THE Scottish Greens have launched the first in a new series of independence papers from the party, which they said would outline their “distinctive” view for Scotland after a Yes vote.

The paper launched on Monday gives an overview of the Scottish Greens’ vision for an independent country, away from Westminster’s hostile environment immigration policies and what party co-leader Patrick Harvie described as an addiction to fossil fuels.

Here’s what’s in it:

No new oil and gas

Scotland is not capable of outlawing new oil and gas fields in its share of the North Sea as part of the Union and the Scottish Greens said independence will give the nation a chance to chart a path away from fossil fuels.

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They have also promised a “just transition” which they say will mean those employed by the oil and gas sector will be supported to find new, environmentally-friendly work.

Environmental leader

The party has said they want Scotland to become the greenest country ever – saying their ambition is to become a world leader in legal environmental protections as the world’s first “climate plus” state, with massively increased investment in green infrastructure.

Universal basic income

All Scots under a Scottish Green government could expect to receive a monthly minimum income provided by the state, the party has said.

Harvie admitted this policy has not yet been costed but insisted it would be cheaper than what he called the “inefficient” benefits system currently in place.

The party also reaffirmed its commitment to increasing tax on the super-rich while ensuring all workers were at least paid the real living wage

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The Scottish Greens have said they want Scotland to become an “anti-racist nation” as well as honouring international commitments ignored by Westminster on the rights of asylum seekers.

They also want to eradicate the country’s gender pay gap while ending the two-child limit and the rape clause which were introduced by the Conservatives in Westminster to cut the welfare budget.


Central to the party’s vision for independence is wellbeing – which they said would be put at the “centre” of Scotland’s economy after a Yes vote.

They have also restated their intention to allow workers to enjoy a four-day week, with no resulting loss of pay.


Unlike the Scottish Government’s official case for Yes papers, the Scottish Greens have said they want to see an independent republic after independence.

Scotland would also have a written constitution – unlike the UK – under the Greens’ plans, which the party said would be worked out with a convention of ordinary citizens.

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Europe and beyond

Scotland would re-join the European Union after independence, the Greens have said, while pledging to work for a “fairer, greener Europe” within the bloc.

The international aid budget would also be restored to the 0.7% of GDP which is the international standard – a target dropped by Westminster – the party has said.

And the Greens said there would be no place for nuclear weapons in an independent Scotland, with the party pledging to spend the money currently “wasted on Trident” to promote peace globally.